20 Most Powerful Marvel Characters, RankedMarvel has a massive catalog of characters in its comic book history — somewhere around the range of 8000 staple characters, and…Nov 18, 2022Nov 18, 2022
What Is pH For Our Skin?The pH, also known as the acid scale, determines the acidity of substances, as the name suggests. The pH level, which is as important as…Nov 13, 2022Nov 13, 2022
Kısa Osmanlı TarihiI. Dünya Savaşı’ndan sonra Osmanlı İmparatorluğu sorununa ilişkin derinlemesine incelemeler, bu sorunun Selçuklu İmparatorluğu tarihi…Nov 13, 2022Nov 13, 2022
Why is Mathematics Difficult and Not Loved in Turkey?Mathematics lessons are generally weak in underdeveloped countries and it is an unpopular subject that is difficult to learn.Nov 11, 2022Nov 11, 2022
What is space-time? Information on the Space-Time ContinuumThe space-time plane is a conceptual model that combines the three dimensions we know with the fourth dimension, time. According to the…Nov 10, 2022Nov 10, 2022
Republic of TurkeyOkay, I’ll be honest with you, I’m a Turk and I’ve lived in Turkey all my life, but that doesn’t mean that my thoughts about Turkey are…Nov 9, 2022Nov 9, 2022
History of The War of Turkish Independence, Heroes of the War of Independence, Fronts, Causes and…The War of Independence, which started with Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s landing in Samsun, ended with success as a result of great efforts…Nov 9, 2022Nov 9, 2022
Who’s Mustafa Kemal Atatürk?First of all, he was a very intelligent, honest, forward-thinking person with a leading spirit. Who is he? He is “Mustafa Kemal Atatürk”…Nov 9, 2022Nov 9, 2022
Is The Concept of Liminal Space An Insignificant Psychological Term Or Is There Not Enough…The gardens where we played as children; the park we stop by after school, our old friends, the classroom corridors we walk; maybe the…Nov 9, 2022Nov 9, 2022
What is Theory? What are Theory Forms?The theory is a concept that is taught in many educational institutions but is not fully understood by most people. This concept, called…Nov 8, 20221Nov 8, 20221